Monday, January 23, 2017

New Order processing/File Upload system at Superior POD

We are very excited to announce the launch of our new Order processing/File Upload system! In the past, if you had an order you wanted Superior POD to manufacture that was not a stock product on our website, there was no way to track that product through any order system, as it could not be entered into our order processing system.

Well, those days are over. As of this morning, Superior POD now has the ability to mange, communicate and track the order production process through our new Order processing/File Upload system.

Once you create an upload account right on our website (don't worry, it's free), you can upload any art/print files and an order will automatically be generated. We can communicate directly to our customers through this new portal and let you know if the art is approved or it requires changes. It allows for faster viewing of your files and faster, better communication from us to you about them!

Probably the most exciting feature of this new portal is that very soon, the entire file submission process for printing any job submitted through the website or through the portal (website and custom orders alike) will be entirely automated. You will submit your art, our software will evaluate your art submission, automatically correct any mistakes in your art, impose it for printing and notify us that the job is ready for print. In the event that the art can't be corrected or used as submitted, you will be contacted automatically through the portal with a detailed explanation of what is wrong with the submission and what is needed to correct it. This will remove days from the order process for all orders.

If you order off the website, your order is automatically entered into the new order processing portal. If you have a job that needs to be processed outside the website (ie; a custom job), then follow these simple steps:

1. Go to this URL - New File Upload Portal
2. Register or sign in (if have already created an account)
3. At "success" page click LOG IN
4. Sign in
5. Click ORDERS
6. Click NEW ORDER button
7. Name your job and add any details
8. Drag and drop your files

... you have just created a new, trackable order in our system!

If you have any questions about this new system, please contact us at

Thank you

Jeff Valent

President, Superior POD

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